Introducing 1


I have the absolute pleasure of introducing a new friend and colleague to you, Loryn Davies! I chatted to Loryn about what makes her tick as a social worker and play therapy practitioner.

I love that Loryn’s journey in some ways mirrors my own, we both cut our teeth in play therapy in the context of trauma – hectic but beautiful as we both found ourselves falling in love with play therapy through the process! We’re both social workers, we both love it and wouldn’t be anything else!

Loryn is new-ish in the Midlands area and I thought I’d introduce her here because we’re doing a few worky (fun) things together and I think you’ll like her :  )

Loryn, tell us about you!

I’ve always been a rescuer, of animals, of people who needed help or people who didn’t particularly fit in. My mom said I should be a social worker and I told her that was a ridiculous idea! I studied politics, I was fascinated by the concept of community; how the community is supported and where community development fits into the big picture in society. One day in university I went to a social work lecture with a friend and ended up falling in love! I loved the practicality of the course and so, I changed tac and signed up for my social work degree.

In my 4th year of social work studies I worked with young offenders. I developed a real empathy for how people develop socially unacceptable behaviours. I saw the impact of early trauma on each offender. This grew a real desire in me to work in child protection, to work to prevent children being exposed to high risk situation where they get traumatised. I wanted to work with children at the earliest stage to prevent them from becoming adults who can’t function in community.

I see myself as a nest where there is nurture, warmth and gentleness. I am a safe place for people to come to, not a place to live forever, but where they can receive what they need, then spread their wings and fly!

What is the difference between play therapy and other forms of therapy for you?

Play therapy creates a really engaging space. Being in talk therapy can be stoic, there is pressure on the client to divulge, it can feel uncomfortable and pressurised. In the play therapy space, the client and the therapist play together. There is a mutual relationship building. The therapist adjusts to the level of the child, they get excited about what the child gets excited about. Play therapy helps to balance out the hard work and the fun of therapy. Play is fun and enjoyment for them!

What do you enjoy most about play therapy?

The privilege of being invited to a child’s world. Social work is my calling, and it’s a real privilege when a child allows me into their sacred space.

What is your favourite way to play as an adult?

I’m a very playful creature! I love the outdoors, I love hiking and playing with my dogs. I love doing animal assisted activities and animal-assisted therapy with children. (Linda: We absolutely need to have another conversation about this some time!) I also love open water swimming and being in the ocean waves.

Loryn, thanks so much. It’s so good to catch a glimpse of your heart and passion.

How do people get hold of you to book play therapy sessions for their child?

[email protected]

083 308 3024

Loryn and I are excited to be doing a play therapy experience, a play co-lab, if you will, in the 4th term! Watch this space for details…

This will be a play therapy experience for adults who want to find out a bit more about what play therapy is and “how it works”. If your child is in play therapy, or has been in the past, or you’re thinking about it, you’d be so welcome to come to this event and find out more! This will not be a therapy session, but will be a hands-on experience and lots of fun!

Thank you, please call again soon!

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