
Explore the importance of identifying your core values, how they shape your choices, and reflect on aligning your life with your true self.

Linda Smallbones
Linda Smallbones

What do you value most? Recently I was with a group of teens and one of them was talking about how she wants to be famous one day. Perhaps underlying this dream is value for really being known, for significance in a more public space.

That’s great for her, I couldn’t imagine anything worse for myself! It’s just not my value! (Of course I didn’t say that to her!)

What do you value most?

No, really. What is it? What do you live your life by? If you were to examine how you live, what patterns do you notice come up for you in terms of choices? Your choices and behaviour link to your core beliefs and values.

Perhaps you’re engaged in behaviour and choices you’re not proud of or don’t actually sit “right” in your deepest self. What if these are simply signposts to what your true self and true values actually are!

Maybe it’s time for a pause for reflection to bring your unconscious ways of being into your conscious and reflect on your values.

I’ve added my values to my website. You can find them here, if you’re interested!

[Image Placeholder: Values-2.jpg]

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