Wining at life

Linda Smallbones
Linda Smallbones
Wining at life


You may already have had moments this year when you feel decidedly like you’re not #winningatlife, the moments may be big or small. Significant or quite silly. Which ones do you let define you, if any?

It’s a month and a bit into the new year. We’ve had our new start and we’re firmly in twenty twenty two. Just in case you feel like you’re not #winningatlife, I want to tell you a short and very silly story about a moment in my holiday.

So, I was in the mountains, walking by myself and it was glorious. I was either smiling with my mouth open, or yawning, or maybe (most likely) struggling for breath when a bug flew into my mouth. I reacted immediately and spat it out. Onto my own arm. My own spit, my own arm but it was still pretty gross. Luckily, I also found it very funny. And a bit unbelievable that I did something that basic and dumb!

I did that. But I’ve also done other things (some very small, personal, unseen and some a bit bigger) in the last month and 4 days that I’m proud of myself for. The managing to spit on my own arm moment doesn’t define my year, who I am or how I see myself. It’s just one moment.

You may already have had moments this year when you feel decidedly like you’re not #winningatlife, the moments may be big or small. Significant or quite silly. Which ones do you let define you, if any? Some moments do shape us and our circumstances, for sure. Birth, loss, trauma, promotion, for example.

But above and beyond that, we can decide internally which moments define who we are. It requires a bit of self-reflection and critical thinking (not self-judgment, but more gentle scrutiny of our thought patterns and beliefs).*

Pause and reflect

For every time you’ve had a “dumb moment” this year, what moment can you name that you’re proud of yourself for? (Does not matter how small).

What have you already decided that this year will be like for you? And do you think it’s really true?

How do you really see yourself? And how would you like to see yourself by the end of the year?

Who are the people you can trust to share your journey of self-discovery with, who will honestly and compassionately support you?

*There are circumstances where we are not capable of this type of thought because of deep trauma or loss. I would encourage you to seek help. Healing is possible.

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