Webb ellis trophy

It Is Here!

3 November 2023

Just like the Webb Ellis trophy* and Siya Kolisi* have landed home, so has my website – wooooo hoooo! This is my very first blog from my brand new site! Welcome and enjoy having a look around!  

New things on the website… 

Parenting for Connection is a brand new online process for parents who want to enjoy more emotional connection with their kids. You can read more about it here

You can find out more about play therapy and how to go about making an appointment here. There is a contact form as well as the opportunity to book a free 15 minute consultation if you’re not sure if play therapy is for your child.

There is a whole page dedicated to Journalling Workshops and you can find out more here. Look out for upcoming Journalling Workshop dates in the Midlands area in 2024!


My blog will get back on track to being a weekly publication – oh how I have missed you! I look forward to being in contact more often, I am glad you are still here!


Some announcements 

You are so welcome to this event above if you are serving children and/or parents in your private practice. If you’re not sure if this is for you, please drop us an email and ask. Shae Williams is a Life Coach extraordinaire and she has so much to offer in the reflection and self-care space. You can find Shae on Instagram here.

Parent Child Journalling Workshop! 

On 9 December I will be running a workshop for parents and children who are between ages 9 and 13. This is a first for me so will be very chilled, creative and fun! If you have a child who loves to put pen to paper either to write or draw to express themselves, this will be a great workshop for you and them to attend. 

More details to follow soon, but if you’re interested please let me know by emailing me on [email protected]


AND… No, that’s actually it for now. No more announcements. But I am EXCITED to be in my new virtual space and looking forward to getting to know how to use all the new “things” here… 



*For those who don’t indulge in rugby, the Rugby World Cup happens every 4 years between 26 nations from around the world. It involved 6 weeks of high tension and drama, the most tension and the most drama for South Africa this year to be sure! Google rugby – you’ll either love it or hate it! Either way, you are still welcome here!

An Interview with a Sandplay Facilitator: Bongekile Ngcobo

6 September 2024 Bongekile and I have crossed paths through our working and personal lives over the last decade or so. She’s a fellow professional I respect and admire and one thing I love about her is she is always willing to try new things, she’s intentional about self-awareness and personal growth. Bongekile is a…

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Mastery: the struggle towards growth and development

3o August 2024 The Brene Brown quote I used in my blog on Being Deeply Human,  got me thinking about the concept of mastery and how important it is in the development of a child. I thought it might be useful to explore a bit more. First, here’s that quote: “It may seem counterintuitive, but…

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When kids lie and steal: And how adults can respond

23 August 2024 For parents who have worked hard to teach their children right from wrong, when they become aware their child has been lying and/or stealing, it’s a massive shock. Understandably, they move through a range of reactions; anger, shame, disbelief and this most often results in a punishment of the behaviour. No doubt…

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Being Deeply Human

16 August 2024 Hello! I feel like I need to introduce myself again, it’s been a while.   I’ve missed being here in the blog regularly, I really have. I have written many, many (fabulous) blogs in my head and not written a single one down. Sometimes the flow is just there, because I am…

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Coming up tomorrow!

24 June 2024 Just a reminder about the Journalling Taster online tomorrow night!

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What children say about their parents

17 June 2024 UNICEF recently released this very powerful video. They asked children to act like their parents and they videoed them. Their parents then watched the videos and for many it was a very confronting experience.   https://fb.watch/sLwSyJDuBq/ If this was your child, how would they be imitating you? In South Africa it’s the…

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Coming up!

17 June 2024 In June and July I am looking forward to chatting with you! All talks are online (Zoom), at 7pm SAST and last one hour. Each talk is R50. I’ve called these talks ‘short and sweet’ because I aim to give a little bit of input and then facilitate a lot of discussion.…

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Emotional Connection around the Table

31 May 2024 How do mealtimes in your home go down? What would you like to change about them? What if you were to have one meal a day together as a family in order to intentionally connect? What difference do you think it could make? According to research, a whole lot of difference, actually.…

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Explore more: inspiring awe, wonder and connection

24 May 2024 We went to the mountains last weekend and it was a gift in so many ways. We were the only ones in the campsite, which was delightful to us because we simply enjoyed the quiet and the space to ourselves. (After our experience of being quite packed in to the campsite over the…

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What to try before bringing your child for Play Therapy

3 May 2024 I often get asked a really good and important question: When do I bring my child in for play therapy? Most often, the thing that flags the need for play therapy is a child’s behavior as they become dysregulated and struggle with day-to-day normal, healthy interactions. Dysregulation is when the individual feels…

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