The art of showing up

Linda Smallbones
Linda Smallbones
The art of showing up

This week and next we’re finishing off the Real Talk: Parent conversation sessions.

A four part, intentional but informal series of conversations for parents. We have covered big feelings, anxiety, regulation and parent self-care… and so much more.

We have shared hardships, pain, things that work and things that don’t. We’ve confessed our fall downs and fall outs. We’ve nodded in agreement at stories that echo our own. We’ve been challenged to take a different perspective, try a different approach, and been encouraged to keep on mining for the gold of connection with our children.

I really enjoyed these sessions. I looked forward to them every week, it was so important to talk about these struggles without being judged. Thank you so much. (Session participant)

Thank you to every single parent who chose to show up. I’m blown away by your vulnerability, your commitment to arrive each week, and your sense of humour flourishing in the middle of it all.

I received this meme from a participant during the week, which made me laugh out loud.

Thank you to every single parent who chose to show up. I’m blown away by your vulnerability, your commitment to arrive each week, and your sense of humour flourishing in the middle of it all.

I received this meme from a participant during the week, which made me laugh out loud.

Thank you, beautiful parents, you know who you are. You taught me more about the art of showing up over these last four weeks. Thank you for putting the Real in Real Talk, it was refreshing and honest.

A new round of conversation sessions will be starting in August. Registration will open in the next couple of weeks so be on the lookout!


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