Introducing the Creative Lorimer O’bree

16 February 2024 There’s something incredibly exciting happening on the outside of my play therapy room wall in Howick… And I am delighted to introduce you to the artist who is making it happen! Lori is a person with a brilliant mix of creativity, administrative skills and sporting prowess. She’s working in sports and marketing…

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An interview: Living in the aftermath of trauma and disconnection

I recently had an intentional discussion with a mom of two middle-school aged kids about fear, trauma, resilience and coping. Her story highlights the negative impact emotionally absent parenting brings. It highlights how important ongoing connection is with children to help them feel emotionally safe and to help them to learn how to deal with…

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I have the absolute pleasure of introducing a new friend and colleague to you, Loryn Davies! I chatted to Loryn about what makes her tick as a social worker and play therapy practitioner. I love that Loryn’s journey in some ways mirrors my own, we both cut our teeth in play therapy in the context…

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Papi and Gogo on the Pink Couch

My daughter and I recently did a co-lab in which we interviewed my parents, aka Papi and Gogo, about their childhoods, play and sibling experiences. Q1. What did you like to play when you were a little girl/boy? Gogo: I liked to play “I declare war” and “hide and go seek” and also “charms” –…

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A brief interview tih a handsome young dad

Be involved. Be present. Get a bicycle. In honour of Father’s Day, here is a brief interview with a handsome young dad (AHYD for short). Me: What advice would you give other dad’s? AHYD: Be involved. Be present. Get a bicycle. Me: What do you mean “be present”? AHYD: Give your children your time. When…

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