man in yellow sweater sitting beside woman in yellow sweater

Emotional Connection around the Table

31 May 2024 How do mealtimes in your home go down? What would you like to change about them? What if you were to have one meal a day together as a family in order to intentionally connect? What difference do you think it could make? According to research, a whole lot of difference, actually.…

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Explore more: inspiring awe, wonder and connection

24 May 2024 We went to the mountains last weekend and it was a gift in so many ways. We were the only ones in the campsite, which was delightful to us because we simply enjoyed the quiet and the space to ourselves. (After our experience of being quite packed in to the campsite over the…

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Bonus blog: Travelling with the littles

My parents used to live in the Eastern Cape and my in-laws in the Western Cape. Over the years we did a fair few miles of long-distance travelling with our children when they were under 6. It’s a unique challenge, for sure! How to keep them occupied and most importantly, happy, without a screen for…

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Quizz time!

The Winter holidays are here! You have some ideal opportunities to play and connect with the children in your life. Enjoy!! The Winter holidays are upon us – happy holidays all!! I like to share some connection ideas for all ages for these times as a way to inspire and encourage family connection, play and…

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Spot it!

*This is not a sponsored post!* I think a large dose of play might be in order for many right now. It’s that time of the term, 9 weeks in and it’s beginning to show in the children and the teachers and the parents! Play infuses us with joy, which is incredibly energizing. What if…

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Rituals, ceremonies and rites of passage

The need for ritual and ceremony is universal. We have daily rituals; that first glorious cup of coffee in the morning, or the blanket we always sleep with. One helps us start the day and the other helps us finish it. Rituals mark time, bringing comfort or reassurance into each day. But they can also…

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The Great Loadshedding Debate

Enjoy the learning as you think about a topic from a different perspective! We started something new a little while ago, during a loadshedding peak (for us every evening between 6 and 8pm!) and not having quite enough light for boardgames. It was my husband’s idea of brilliance to hold a …debate! The organised, respectful,…

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This week we have mostly been…

Isolating. Yup. I had a close contact with covid and had to isolate along with my kids. My husband was sent to a far corner of the house and the kids and I were left to Play, muddle along. Which mostly we did, quite nicely, even though “mom, when are you going to stop working?”…

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An ode to popcorn

Because sometimes you just have to talk about something that you love that is light, crunchy and delicious. As a kind of introduction to the silly season here is a silly post. All about popcorn. Because sometimes you just have to talk about something that you love that is light, crunchy and delicious. I might…

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Our journey through Covid: A family activity for processing loss

I am so aware of so many living with deep loss at present. The losses have accumulated over the past 18 months in multiple, unanticipated ways. The thing that stands out for me is that as the pandemic continues and pandemic-fatigue has indeed become a thing, we’re struggling to know how to process our own…

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