boy writing on printer paper near girl

Mastery: the struggle towards growth and development

3o August 2024 The Brene Brown quote I used in my blog on Being Deeply Human,  got me thinking about the concept of mastery and how important it is in the development of a child. I thought it might be useful to explore a bit more. First, here’s that quote: “It may seem counterintuitive, but…

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What do you value most? Recently I was with a group of teens and one of them was talking about how she wants to be famous one day. Perhaps underlying this dream is value for really being known, for significance in a more public space. That’s great for her, I couldn’t imagine anything worse for…

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Journal your heart out

Perhaps it’s the fact that we’re nearing the end of the second term (aka, I’m tired), but I’ve had a real need to be creative recently. I have learned to take cognizance of  the urge to create because it usually is telling me my brain needs a break from thinking and planning and just needs…

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Reflections on being social media free

There’s more to it than just deleting apps off my phone! So, it’s almost two weeks into my social media fast. And I love it! Here are some things that have changed… I don’t scroll for “2 minutes” which then turns into an hour. Instead, I do something I actually want or need to do…

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I would like to suggest it’s the time of year for consolidation. It’s time to establish your gains. It’s time to take what you have and make it stronger by celebrating it. ~to become, or cause something to become, stronger, and more certain ~ Cambridge Dictionary. ~to consolidate something you have, you strengthen it so…

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Stamina for the Long Haul

Running out of stamina is an indication that there is something we need to receive. Give yourself permission to say yes when offers of help are given. Coronavirus, the Latin name for uncertainty. It’s not, I’ll say that quickly before I am accused of spreading fake news. But it (certainly!) feels like it is uncertainty…

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