Try softer

After the year we’ve had, no make that the last two years we’ve had, this is not the time to try harder to do better. This is the time to try softer. I’ve been intrigued…

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The bits between words

Children can tune out our words faster than we can say “Tidy your bedroom”, but they are invested in all of the bits between our words even when it doesn’t look like they are. Sometimes…

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The power and jou of children’s words

Children of all ages routinely make me laugh in the play room. They just have such a unique way of looking at the world and of being in it, it’s incredibly refreshing. My Favewit I…

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An ode to popcorn

Because sometimes you just have to talk about something that you love that is light, crunchy and delicious. As a kind of introduction to the silly season here is a silly post. All about popcorn.…

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I have never really liked a particular Sunday school song that goes “Be careful little eyes what you see…”, usually this is sung with little kids who don’t have a choice about what their eyes…

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What’s on your plate?

It’s time to assess that full plate of yours. In a leadership workshop several years ago and one of the speakers spoke to the simple idiom that we often use “I have a very full…

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Friendship: because parent sneed play dates too

Cultivating friendship in the adult years can be surprisingly tricky. But parents need play dates too. How many play dates have you made for your child in the past year? Probably not as many as…

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Receive. Exhale. Sleep. Time to play. Be like this cat. Rest. Feel free to use my handy little acronym for some ideas of how to rest. Rest, by the way, isn’t always about stopping activity…

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Write them a note

A very simple top tip for increasing connection with your child; write them a note. Or draw them a picture. Hearing you say “I love you” is wonderful, having it written down to look at…

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Trauma, resilience and healing

“I think about trauma as any pattern of activating your stress response system that leads to an alteration in how that system is functioning, and that leads to an over-activity and an over-reactivity.” Dr. Bruce…

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