Parenting is as easy as gardening!

I like to garden. That is not to say that I am good at it, or that I actually know what I am doing! But I like to be in the garden. Right now our…

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Listening pace

I was journalling last week and I found myself writing Life is more fruitful when you slow down to the pace of listening. Huh! That was an interesting thought that seemingly just leapt through my…

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Hello Covid, our old friend…

I’m pretty convinced I had Covid recently. And the more I’ve spoken to people, the more I realise it’s been doing the rounds again. It looks different and it doesn’t carry the same panic factor…

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Reflections on being social media free

There’s more to it than just deleting apps off my phone! So, it’s almost two weeks into my social media fast. And I love it! Here are some things that have changed… I don’t scroll…

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Spot it!

*This is not a sponsored post!* I think a large dose of play might be in order for many right now. It’s that time of the term, 9 weeks in and it’s beginning to show…

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Navigating oceans of emotions: Regulate, Relate, Reason

When our emotions are recognised, listened to and responded to with care, we are better able to regulate and then learn how to cope with our emotions. Dr. Bruce Perry writes about a sequence of…

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A week in the life of play therapy

Hello! Just thought I would share some snippets of work from this past week! Loryn and I at the Midlands Schools Expo. We had fun – see pic below! Our ‘stress balloon’ making at the…

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The Zebra

“My mom is like this zebra. The black part reminds me of her computer keyboard she works on all the time”, said a 7 year old to me recently. I wasn’t sure how I felt…

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Emotional Labour

The emotional labour is real. We deal with the emotional labour with what tools we have at our disposal from the metaphorical toolbox we received from our own parents. Nothing prepares you for the emotional…

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Rituals, ceremonies and rites of passage

The need for ritual and ceremony is universal. We have daily rituals; that first glorious cup of coffee in the morning, or the blanket we always sleep with. One helps us start the day and…

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