Let them be bored

How do we prevent our children from becoming passive consumers? My answer is let them be bored! As we come up to a long holiday in December, maybe you’re feeling pressure to ensure your child…

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The rhythm of creativity

These words from my friend struck me deeply as I realised a few things. I had lost the creative rhythm that was once established, having thought I had bought myself more time, I actually was…

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Holding space

This is what holding space looks like. This is where kids store their special, ongoing Lego projects in my office. On a shelf out of sight to most others who come and visit me. This…

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Transitions, transitions

It seems to be that time of the year when transitions are on the horizon. House moves, job moves, school moves… a lot of these type of transitions may be coming up that could impact…

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I have the absolute pleasure of introducing a new friend and colleague to you, Loryn Davies! I chatted to Loryn about what makes her tick as a social worker and play therapy practitioner. I love…

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Journalling to self-care

I am a journallor and have been for most of my life. Writing is a natural outlet to me. I’ve used journalling as a spiritual tool in my Christian journey, it has helped me to…

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Permission to rest

I feel that one of the most helpful lessons I have learned in the past 10 years is how to attune to my needs for rest and reflection at the right time for me. Rest…

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Beating the back to school blues

We’re heading back to school for term 3 in South Africa in just a few days. In these past two years, some children have really battled with separation anxiety. Separation anxiety can be incredibly difficult…

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Self compassion

When we come face to face with our own faults, if we look at them through a lens of self-compassion, we have more energy and capacity to change. I need to look after myself so…

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The art of showing up

This week and next we’re finishing off the Real Talk: Parent conversation sessions. A four part, intentional but informal series of conversations for parents. We have covered big feelings, anxiety, regulation and parent self-care… and…

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