What is Play Therapy?

How does it work? Why would I need to pay for my child to play? Why would a child need therapy to play? These are some of the questions I have been asked over the…

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The Great Loadshedding Debate

Enjoy the learning as you think about a topic from a different perspective! We started something new a little while ago, during a loadshedding peak (for us every evening between 6 and 8pm!) and not…

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Choosing Play

Play, joy and enjoyment can lift us out of where we are into new possibilities. I wonder if you feel as if you’ve been carrying a lot for a long time? I wonder if you…

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Parenting Personalities

Pace and energy are impacted by how our personalities evolve. We need to be aware of where we are at, how our energy and pace impacts our children, and also what we need. A key…

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To talk about what you enjoy about them is to talk about what you see in them as a person, and what makes you like them as a person. I invite you to take some…

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It’s Friday but Mother’s Day is coming

I read this poem, “It’s not my turn”, written by a mom the other day that brought back so many memories and resentments from when my kids were really little. I honestly wish I had…

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What’s the big deal about positive parenting?

Positive discipline is a relational way of discipling your child that promotes connection, rather than punishment. When a child feels connected to you, they feel safe with you, and they are more likely to follow…

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Guiding your child through a natural disaster

Generosity and compassion are powerful to move us out of anxiety and into a response that can help others at times like this. Our province of KwaZulu-Natal has had it’s biggest natural disaster since the…

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Celebrating Mylestones

My(le)stones. Milestones that are about My journey. They could also be My-stones, steps on the journey. Myelstones, I didn’t spell it wrong, I just made up a new word. My(le)stones. Milestones that are about My…

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From co-regulation to self-regulation: a journey in connection

Co-regulation is when a parent or caregiver uses their voice, facial expression and bodily posture to communicate love, acceptance and understanding to a child in a moment of need or when they are experiencing “big…

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