Stamina for the Long Haul

Running out of stamina is an indication that there is something we need to receive. Give yourself permission to say yes when offers of help are given. Coronavirus, the Latin name for uncertainty. It’s not,…

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Back to school

Some of us have been waiting for some time…but maybe, possibly, schools will be opening up soon. There is still a lot of uncertainty. However, I think this is an opportunity to start to prepare…

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Open the book on communication

Stories give space to explore ideas through a third party, enabling difficult topics to be talked about that you wouldn’t necessarily bring up in everyday conversation. Stories are wonderful vehicles for communicating all sorts of…

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Keeping your child safe online during times of lockdown

Abusers of children are really tuned in to when, where and how they can access children. They know children in general may be vulnerable at present and that they may have more screen time than…

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Parenting in a Pandemic: self-care, what?

Thinking about our own needs as parents is more important than ever as we negotiate this unknown world with our children who are looking to us for answers. During this rather extraordinary period of time…

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You are my I love you

Poem by Maryann Cusimano by Maryann K. Cusimano I am your parent you are my child I am your quiet place, you are my wild I am your calm face, you are my giggle I…

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