Papi and Gogo on the Pink Couch

My daughter and I recently did a co-lab in which we interviewed my parents, aka Papi and Gogo, about their childhoods, play and sibling experiences. Q1. What did you like to play when you were…

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PLAY for the sheer joy of it

Children will follow the fun almost anywhere! Children find fun, silliness, laughter and play utterly compelling. They will follow the fun almost anywhere. They know that they need it, it is life-giving for them. Of…

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Sibling stuff: The great comparison

When I was growing up, I wanted to be my older sister because I just thought she was better. I compared everything I did to how she did it. She was my Great Comparison. Eventually…

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Do you know a Tweenie? A tween/tweenie is someone who is between the ages of about 8 and 12… the in-between childhood and teenager years. Tweens are sprouting underarm hairs and building sandcastles. They still…

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Sibling stuff: being booted out of the cocoon of bliss

The introduction of a sibling sets the child’s world upside down because it boots them out of the cocoon of bliss for a start and then begs the questions why would you need another one…

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Sibling stuff: an introduction

In almost every family I work with, parents talk and even lament about sibling issues at home. Sibling rivalry can be a tough one to talk about because every sibling configuration is as complex and…

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Wining at life

#winningatlife You may already have had moments this year when you feel decidedly like you’re not #winningatlife, the moments may be big or small. Significant or quite silly. Which ones do you let define you,…

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Parenting expert

I am not the expert. I refuse to see myself or label myself as an expert at anything, least of all a parenting expert – except of my own children. And I believe you are…

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My boss sucks

Maybe she can use her gentle voice with me, be a bit more boundaried and less bossypants. Firstly, she has no boundaries whatsoever. She contacts me about work stuff and what’s happening during the day,…

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This week we have mostly been…

Isolating. Yup. I had a close contact with covid and had to isolate along with my kids. My husband was sent to a far corner of the house and the kids and I were left…

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