Self-compassion for parents

It might be time for a little mid-year check-in. How kind are you being to yourself as a parent? “Every time I read a book about how to be smarter, how not to be sad,…

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The pre-schoolers

When they come to the playroom and realise they are given a lot of control of what happens within safe limits, they take full advantage and become the little dictators they knew they were born…

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What do you value most? Recently I was with a group of teens and one of them was talking about how she wants to be famous one day. Perhaps underlying this dream is value for…

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Journal your heart out

Perhaps it’s the fact that we’re nearing the end of the second term (aka, I’m tired), but I’ve had a real need to be creative recently. I have learned to take cognizance of  the urge…

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Bonus blog: Travelling with the littles

My parents used to live in the Eastern Cape and my in-laws in the Western Cape. Over the years we did a fair few miles of long-distance travelling with our children when they were under…

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Quizz time!

The Winter holidays are here! You have some ideal opportunities to play and connect with the children in your life. Enjoy!! The Winter holidays are upon us – happy holidays all!! I like to share…

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Honour (verb) to regard with great respect. To fulfill an obligation or keep an agreement. I haven’t focused on highlighting the various public holidays and events this year. But today I want to highlight two,…

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An interview: Living in the aftermath of trauma and disconnection

I recently had an intentional discussion with a mom of two middle-school aged kids about fear, trauma, resilience and coping. Her story highlights the negative impact emotionally absent parenting brings. It highlights how important ongoing…

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The dance of social skills

An exploration of how Covid might have affected children’s friendships and social skills today and how we might be able to help. Our needs for love, protection and belonging are designed to be met within…

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Getting up again

I want to share this sweet story to illustrate how we can partner with our children to build resilience in them after hurts and setbacks. My daughter got hit in the face during her hockey…

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